No se si os servirá de algo mi reflexión.
De todas formas animo y a por ellos
How To Perform A Proper Tune Up On Today’s Cars And Trucks
Cars and trucks today should have a way of analyzing the engines condition before the tune up process is started. Machines such as using the engine analyzer would be able to inform the technician how the insides of the motor is working. Compression and valve train components should be tested to see even if a tune up will help the vehicle. If and when the cylinder balance test confirms that everything is working internally then the trained technician will go ahead and start the tune up process.
Normally around 60 to 90 thousand miles on today’s cars and trucks the platinum tipped spark plugs will need to be replaced. Just like the earlier models you will need to check and adjust the spark plug gap. The spark plugs will come pre-gapped but you will want to be sure that some where along the line the tip may have been bent or dropped accidentally. Using some type of anti-seize compound on the spark plug threads, torque the spark plugs down to the specified torque settings.
After installing your spark plugs you will want to also replace your spark plug wires. If you were to look at the engine analyzer before the tune up process you would be able to see how much voltage you were losing with those old spark plug wires. It would take a trained drivability engine performance expert to point that out using his oscilloscope while the vehicle was running. The much newer cars and trucks require no spark plug cables because they have individual coil packs placed on the top of each spark plug.
Most vehicle manufacturers require you to change all of your oxygen sensors at 90 thousand miles. A proper tune up on today’s cars and trucks would include replacing these sensors because they will get sluggish in their response time helping control with your fuel delivery. You should notice a huge difference in calculating your gas mileage after replacing your oxygen sensors. Today’s cars and trucks normally have 4 or 5 oxygen sensors located in the exhaust system.
Depending on the year and make of your vehicle, the timing belt should be replaced also around 90 to 100 thousand miles. The reason is because the timing belt will become cracked and will stretch causing you to lose your power on acceleration and could also possibly break handing you some very extensive engine damage.
Now of course the last things that should be checked and replaced is your antifreeze and your fuel filter and of course lets not forget to check the air in your tires also. As you can see, performing a proper tune up on today’s cars and trucks can become very expensive! Before you decide to tune up your vehicle, you will have to decide if you plan on keeping it for another 90 to 100 thousand miles.
For more of My Car Care reading please visit my library at Associated Content Com.
Nosotros y vosotros, somos conscientes de la situación de crisis que atraviesa España, pero desde aquí os decimos que nuestra reivindicaiones son acordes a la sensatez ante estos momentos pero lo que no podemos permitir, PORQUE ADEMÁS NO LO HEMOS HECHO NUNCA, son las provocaciones y creednos, casi la CHULERÍA, de los últimos meses de la Negociación.Desde aquí les decimos que si ELLOS no cambian su actitud, les volveremos a recordar el COMO hemos llegado HASTA AQUÍ.Porque somos sensatos ante la situación del país,pero no idiotas y no nos vamos a poner a la altura de su Presidente Gerardo Diaz Ferrán, el cual sí podría dar muestras de compromiso y sensatez con la crisis.Nosotros vamos a dar esas muestras como asi lo llevamos haciendo 9 AÑOS,pero lo que no vamos a admitir son las PROVOCACIONES y NOS ESTÁN PROVOCANDO.
Auto Repair Trouble Shooting with a Code Reader/Code Scanner
Having a scanner will help you diagnose car abd truck problems. The more money you spend the more features you will get!
How to Replace Your Front Brake Calipers:1992 Chevy Cavalier
Instructions on replacing your front brake calipers. You will need to bleed the calipers when you are finished.
Tips for Tuning Up a 1991 Dodge Dynasty 2.5 Liter
How to tune up a 1991 Dodge 2.5 liter. Replace the spark plugs, spark plug wires, and distributor cap and rotor.
Suzuki Kizashi topples 200 mph at Bonneville for new Land Speed Record
by Zach Bowman
The crew from Suzuki and Road & Track officially hold the new Land Speed Record for the Blown Gas Coupe Category. The team wheeled out their modified 2010 Suzuki Kizashi to the Bonneville Salt Flats and managed to average an impressive 203.720 mph across two high-speed runs, besting the previous record by a little less than a second and a half. R&T commissioned legendary engine builder Richard Holdener to rework the engine in the Kizashi before it hit the salt, and as a result, the car wore forged internals and a beefier turbo that shoved a full 16 pounds of boost into the four-cylinder as the Sam Mitani-helmed Suzuki headed down the dry lake bed.
Now that the Kizashi has one record under its belt, Road & Track is planning to try for a second, naturally-aspirated record by unbolting the turbo and going hog wild. Now all we have to wonder is how much it's going to take to convince Suzuki to offer those slick seam-welded steel wheels as an option on the Kizashi Sport. Hit the jump to take a look at a video of the car during its record-setting run, as well as a press release detailing the occasion.
Top 5 Reasons And Signs To Get Rid Of Your Old Car
1. Smoking from your exhaust pipe. This is usually a sign of your engine internally having problems such as worn seals and gaskets. The most common problem are worn valve guide seals. These seals wear and allow engine oil to enter the combustion chamber area fouling out your spark plugs and causing a whole lot of smoke.
2. Transmission shifting poorly. When you can feel your automatic transmission shifting very hard or very late then you have transmission problems. You will most likely have to have it over hauled or replaced. I have seen sometimes where changing your automatic transmission fluid to late will actually make it worse to drive.
3. Smelling a sweet antifreeze smell coming from your tail pipe. This usually means that your car has one time over heated and may have warped your cylinder heads or your entire engine block. You may see your temperature gage fluctuate a lot and averaging around the “hot” mark most of the time. You may be able to have your head gaskets checked and tested but in the end its also most likely your engine is warped also.
4.When you first start your vehicle in the morning you hear a lower engine knock until the oil circulates. What this is most likely to be is worn or bad piston rods. You will need to have the engine overhauled to fix this problem. You may get lucky and find a auto mechanic who will drop your oil pan and replace your pistons. But that is not a very good idea.
5. Constantly replacing your oil fouled spark plugs. Just as I mentioned above, there are also more reasons other than your valve guide seals. Your piston and compression rings inside your cars engine will need to be replaced and the cylinders rebored. Basically an engine overhaul will fix this problem.
I hope this article will help you to make that decision. For more car care information please visit My AssociatedContent Page Here.

deberían llevar los vehículos, aqui os dejamos un resumen de lo que nos comentarón.
La empresa nos informa que para finales del año 2011 tienen que renovar la flota con 87
vehículos nuevos repartidos de la siguiente forma:
-36 para el corredor del henares.
-17 para plaza castilla (sierra).
-5 para el urbano de Torrejón-
-9 para Consol.
-20 para tres Cantos.
De estos 87 vehículos, 12 vendrán en este año (pero sin fecha exacta ni destino exacto).
Nos comentan que aún no tienen ningún pedido hecho y que están esperando (esperanzados
que Setra les haga una buena oferta por lo que
creen que serán estos modelos los que se adquieran (no es seguro).
Nos habla de las nuevas maquinas expendedoras y canceladoras, mas modernas, sin Damyc y
con la información vía satélite...la entrega de recaudación seguirá siendo igual que hasta ahora
o muy parecida, lo que si cambian bastante son las maquinas y también entra en sus planes
darnos la formacion.
En cuanto al listado de mejoras en los vehículos, estuvieron muy receptivos a la mayoría de las
En cuanto al asiento del conductor le sugerimos que no escatimaran en gastos y pedimos
montaran ISRI....tomaron nota
En cuanto a la mampara de seguridad para los búhos, nos comentaron que el coste es muy bajo y que sin problemas las montarían en 4 ó 5 vehículos pero nos pidieron que hiciéramos un sondeo para ver la acptación de la plantilla a trabajar con mampara y tratar este tema en el futuro, además nos comentarón que se instalaran 5 ó 6 cámaras de vídeo vigilancia en 21 de los
nuevos vehículos para servicios nocturnos.
En relación a las cámaras de las puertas y de marcha atrás pensaba que en los nuevos modelo
ya venían instaladas, al informarle nosotros que no, tomo nota.
En cuanto al letrero luminoso..le solicitamos que fuera mas grande y además se montaran
también en el lateral y en la parte trasera, nos contesta que así sera por obligación del consorcio,
y que las medidas las impondrá el mismo y también le solicitamos que estuviera mas accesible
el manejo del bkb a lo que nos contesto que el BKB ira conectado con la maquina expendedora
y desde allí se manejara.
Y en cuanto a aumentar la potencia de los aires acondicionados de los nuevos vehículos, Cesar Llana
lo califico de fundamental ( a ver si es verdad).
También se pidio la colocacion de una bandeja para que el viajero deposite el dinero cuando compre un billete.
How to Replace Your Rear Brake Wheel Cylinders: Info. 101
Rear brake wheel cylinders will cause a low spongy pedal when applying the brakes. Make sure to bleed the brake system when you are finished.
How to Perform a Basic Front Disc Brake Job: Tips and Advice 101
Replacing your front disc brake pads are quite normal for a do it yourselfer. If the rotors do not need to be resurfaced the brake job can be done in minutes!
Saving More Money on Your Car Repairs: Tips and Advice
Saving money on your car repairs should be a high priority in today's economy. Make sure you have a plan of action when it comes to your car repairs.
Why Front Disc Brakes Wear Faster
Your front brakes are under a lot of pressure and should be inspected at least once a year. Brake calipers can seize up and cause premature and uneven wear on your front disc brake pads.
Dacia Logan 2012 Version Future Car

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Chevrolet Trail Blazers Information
How to Perform a Major Tune-up on Your Car and Save Money
You can save money performing a major tune-up on your car or truck. Change your sparkplugs, sparkplug wires, and your fuel and air filters.