LONDON - When you love two-wheeled world, life would no longer be the primary. Look Reg Scott remains a 'child bike' even though he was now growing dusk, 94 years old!
Looking at the age of Scott, of course many people will shake their heads. That's why no one when Scott was awarded the title as oldest pemotor in England or Britain's Oldest Biker.
During his life, Scott has 74 years as a child of the motor. She started her passion for two wheels in 1937 when he bought a motorcycle carrying a Norton 16H 490 cc engine capacity. At that time, the price of these motors is only 73 pounds.
But though it was long enough to be kids bike, Scott including typical of the faithful. For over 74 years, he only has 7 motors only.
Now, Scott riding a Honda CBR250R motorcycle sebauh which she bought after getting funds from the show 'Deal or No Deal. "
"I am delighted to have been crowned Britain's Oldest Biker.Motorcycle gives me a sense of freedom, which allows me to be able to walk more easily while enjoying the open air, "he said as quoted from Visordown, Saturday (02/07).
"Age has nothing to do with it for me, I'll be on my bike as long as I can," he concluded.