The color-choice of green would probably be customizable,but in concept form it alludes to the fact that the materials used are 100% recyclable.Its recyclable “thermoplastic” internal spokes are what gives these tires allof their strength and flexibility. The outer rubber on the tire offers a moretraditional tread surface required for use on our sometimes rough roads. Onecriticism has been the possibility of noise due to wind resistance incommercial use. However, if commercialized these tires are expected to besealed by a thin sidewall of rubber for these reasons. Each tire also only hasa weight capacity of up to 330 pounds, but innovations to this technology willundoubtedly be made in the future.
Benefits obviously include the recyclability factor, butthey are also safer and less wasteful because they eliminate the risk ofpunctures. Check out these tires in action on YouTube! (And by “in action”, Imean a girl riding a small scooter equipped with these tires five feet across astage).