Any car can fall prey to a failed fuel pump, from Bugatti to Fiat and no matter who you are it can leave you stranded. Many of the cars on the road today can be fixed without having to replace the entire
fuel pump assembly in this situation. In some cars the
fuel pump alone can be changed without changing the level sending unit.
The price of an individual fuel pump may be lower than replacing the whole assembly which is nice but the down side is the
labor. The fuel pump assembly is usually located inside the tank and will need to be pulled out to change the pump. The best option is to change out the entire assembly, spend the extra $20 since the labor savings will be much more than the cost difference.

Once the level sending unit is removed from the tank the swap process is very simple. Just detach the old pump from the electric and fuel line then slide the unit out. Now slide the new unit into the assembly and attach all the lines. Don’t forget to change the screen on the unit while it is apart. One thing to remember, there is fuel here…NO SMOKING!!!! This may sound like an obvious suggestion but hey you never know. With the unit installed in the assembly test the pump and make sure the pressure is correct. With everything working correctly, reassemble the car and you are good to go. Now it is time to enjoy what that Bugatti was meant to do…waste a ton of gas in a very fun way.