There are many different fluids in your car that keep itrunning smoothly and accurately. The most commonly known are of course theengine oil and radiator fluid, but there are still other fluids that need to beproperly checked and maintained to ensure the proper functioning and longevityof your vehicle. Many people don't know that there is oil in your AC Compressor and A / C Compressor - though you do not need to check it as part of regular vehicle maintenance.
Your owner’s manual can help you locate all of the dipsticksfor checking fluids in your car, the necessary fluid changes to keep yourwarranty, and the proper levels of fluid that should be in your car. Keep yourowner’s manual handy for reference if you’re having trouble locating one of thefluid dipsticks or reservoirs in your vehicle.
First step is to park your car on a flat, level surface andset the emergency brake. Then, make sure you have a clean paper towel or shoptowel handy – white ones are easier to use as they show the color of the fluidsbetter. Open the hood, and use the stand to keep it open.
I think it’s easier to check your transmission fluid first,as the car has to be warmed up and running in order to check it properly. Afteryour car is warmed up, leave it in park with the emergency brake on, butrunning. Locate the transmission fluid dipstick, hook your finger in the loop(and release any clips, if applicable) and pull it out completely. Wipe it offwith a clean rag, put it back into its opening, and push it all the way downuntil it stops. Remove it completely and look at the fluid on the dipstick. Therewill be indicators on the dipstick if the fluid is within the properparameters. Wipe this fluid off on your clean, white paper towel or shop towel– it should be a clear, reddish color. If the transmission fluid is very greyor black, it hasn’t been changed in a long time. You’ll need to schedule amechanic to drop the pan and change your transmission fluid.
The next and most important fluid to check is your engineoil. Your car needs to be cool in order to properly measure engine oil, so turnoff the car and let it sit for awhile; the car needs time for all the oil inyour car to drain down into the oil pan. There will be an oil dipstick – hookyour finger in the loop of the dipstick and pull it all the way out. Use aclean rag and wipe it clean, then place it back into its opening and push itall the way down until it stops. Take it out again, this time looking carefullyat the level of oil on the dipstick.
The dipstick has markings indicating an acceptable oil levelrange –if the level is down by the indicator for “low,” you need to add moreoil. If the oil is around the opposite end by “full” or within the properlymarked acceptable range, you’re fine.
Take the oil dipstick and wipe it on your clean, white papertowel or shop towel. Pay close attention to the color of the oil. Clean engineoil is clear, and golden. Dirty engine oil is dark brown or black. Aside from engine oil color, your owner’smanual should indicate how many miles you should go between oil changes – it’sbest to heed this advice and change the oil at the proper mileage, and not whenit looks particularly dirty.
The rest of the fluids can be checked by looking at theirrespective reservoirs. Most of these fluid reservoirs are plastic, and you cansee the fluid level through the plastic itself. On the plastic housing therewill be fluid indicator lines, much like the dipstick, that read low or full.If you are having trouble seeing the fluid line on the reservoir, jiggle it alittle so you can see it more clearly.
Find the brake fluid reservoir using your owner’s manual.Look at the fluid level in the reservoir and see if it falls within theindicator limits on the reservoir itself. Your car should not consume brakefluid – therefore it should not be low. If it is low, it means you have a leaksomewhere along your brake lines. Have your car checked by a licensed mechanicto see what is going on.
Next find your power steering fluid reservoir. Look at thefluid level, and see if it falls within the lines indicated on the reservoir,same as the brake fluid. With power steering fluid there may be two sets ofindicator lines – one for a hot engine, and one for cold. Make sure to read thelevel of your car’s current state.
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Brake Fluid Reservoir |
Now check the car’s coolant. VERY IMPORTANT – make sure theengine is completely cool before checking the coolant. Opening the coolantreservoir when the engine is hot can cause searing hot coolant to come sprayingout, burning you. You do not want this to happen. Make sure the engine is coolbefore continuing. The coolant will most likely be in a reservoir up front, bythe radiator. Check the fluid and the indicator lines to make sure you haveenough coolant. If not, you’ll need to top it off.
Cars are designed to operate with antifreeze as coolant, notwater. Antifreeze is a mixture that has a lower freezing and boiling point thanwater so it can handle more extreme weather conditions. Many people will tellyou to just top off your coolant with water – it is much better to heed theadvice of your owner’s manual and buy the correct fluid for your vehicle.Keeping your engine properly cool is essential. Read the label on theantifreeze you buy – some require to be mixed half and half with water, some godirectly in.
Lastly, check your windshield washer fluid. It won’t affectthe performance of your car, and there are no indicator levels for it, but itis nice to have fluid in the reservoir so you can clean your windshield whiledriving. Washer fluid that is formulated to clean off bugs and road grime ischeap and works significantly better than water, but you can use water as well.If winter is coming, make sure you use a washer fluid that has a lower freezingpoint than water – it will be indicated on the washer fluid bottle itself.
Hope this guide helps you maintain your vehicle and addressany problems you might be having early.