Your windshield is an extremely important, but oftenoverlooked, part of your vehicle. You can try and drive using your center console screen or car navigation system all you want, but you have to be able to clearly see through your windshield to practice any kind of safe driving. Run through a few checks to make sure your windshield,and the things that keep it clean, are in good shape.
First of all, examine your windshield for any cracks orinjuries in the glass itself. If you notice chips or cracks, have them repairedimmediately. Trash, pebbles, and sand particles can fracture the glass andcause dings, which if left unattended, can turn into bigger cracks that affectyour visibility. You can buy do-it-yourself products at home, but they areusually inferior to having a professional fix the ding for you, and having thework done professionally is reasonably priced.
Avoid slamming your doors, as this causes the windshield tovibrate violently and any dings or cracks in your windshield can get worse.Also, try to park your car in the shade whenever possible, especially if it’sgoing to be sitting for a long time. Direct sunlight does damage the glass overtime.

Prevent the wiper arm from snapping back onto yourwindshield by carefully resting it against the windshield while you are gettingyour new wiper ready to install. You can seriously damage your windshield byletting the bare metal snap back onto the glass. Take your new windshield wiperout of the packaging and arrange it how it’s going to lay on your car. Lookingat the side of the metal where it attaches to the metal arm, you’ll see thatone end of the plastic clip is flat and the other has a curve across the top.Rotate the plastic clip until the curve is pointing toward the wiper blade. Nowhold the wiper upside down next to the metal wiper arm, where you’ll see thatthe curve in the arm matches the curved top of the plastic clip.