
Human Trials to Begin Soon for Envision Scientific Nano Particle Based Polymer Free Drug Eluting Stent for Coronary Artery Disease Treatment, Nano Drug Eluting Balloon Under Development

Envision Scientific Pvt. Ltd has been involved in working on the behavior of drug molecules when converted to nano size for the treatment of coronary artery diseases.

Dr. Manish Doshi – President & CEO of Envision Scientific Pvt. Ltd. (Surat, Gujarat, India) says that nanotechnology will change the treatment options for Coronary Heart Disease. The company has developed nano particle based Polymer free Drug Eluting stent (npDES) while Nano Drug Eluting Balloon (npDEB) is being developed in their other company - Concept Medical Research (CMRPL) for delivering the most widely accepted drug – Sirolimus in vessels.

This method will help in dealing with current complications associated with coronary artery treatment. The newly designed Products and Equipments to do these sophisticated coatings have been applied for patent by the company.

It is proven fact that Polymers in Drug Eluting Stents (DES) create problems in the treatment. The company has designed product which eliminates use of polymer with sustained drug release in tissue. Animal trials conducted at Dr. Renu Virmani’s Center in Washington D.C, have given very positive results.

Currently npDES is undergoing Animal trial at Thoraxcenter, Rotterdam, Netherlands under Prof. Patrick Serryus, world renowned Interventional cardiologist. The company has plans to initiate FIM (First-in-Man) trials to assess the efficacy of the product.

In addition to Sirolimus drug, company has also worked on developing Paclitaxel eluting stent / balloon which it plans to license to prospective buyers. The technology can be applied to deliver other drugs and company has capabilities to deliver the same. The key areas which the company has focused are to try and reduce complications associated with Angioplasty and reduce its anticipated treatment cost.

Drug Eluting Balloons are fast catching up as the treatment of choice but has inherent problems of coating drug on balloon surface without polymers. With conversion of drug into nano size and enclosing it inside Excipient significantly enhances the drug delivery to the coronary artery tissue. This will reduce complexity of procedure and simplify the treatment option which may include long term medications.

Dr. Doshi says that Envision Scientific (ESPL) & Concept Medical (CMRPL) are a new entrant against the current big boys like Cordis, Abbott, Medtronic and Boston Scientific, but with its IP Portfolio and practical design will create a standing for itself. Currently, ESPL & CMRPL are involved in finalizing the product portfolio.

While nanotechnology’s promise remains immense – the potential advances in energy, medicine, electronics field have attracted millions of dollars worth investments – it remains to be seen which patents will prove the most valuable. ESPL and CMRPL will not enter the funding market with just the patent portfolio but aim to have a consistent revenue stream. Both these companies are a part of the growing segment of nanotechnology startups with positive results for its developments.

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