
Reportlinker Adds ET-110 Nanolithography Equipment for IT, Electronics and Photonics - A Technology, Industry and Global Market Analysis announces that a new nanotechnology research report covering the market for equipment used in fabricating nanoscale materials and devices is available in its catalogue: ET-110 Nanolithography Equipment for IT, Electronics and Photonics - A Technology, Industry and Global Market Analysis (

Nanofabrication equipment has been used to create integrated circuits in the 65nm to 45nm range, and companies are now moving to manufacturing computer chips and memory chips in the 32nm range.

In 2008, nanofabrication apparatus enabled semiconductor manufacturers to transform more than $11.4 billion worth of silicon wafer material into more than $425 billion worth of semiconductor, photonic, opto-electonic and MEMS material devices for use in computers and electronic devices, which in turn constituted a global market valued in excess of $1.38 trillion dollars, plus related services valued at $5 trillion dollars globally.

Semiconductor and electronics manufacturers spent roughly $80 billion in 2007 and $74 billion in 2008 for silicon wafers, materials and equipment which allowed them to manufacture integrated circuits at scales to 45nm, and they are now beginning to buy equipment to manufacture integrated circuits at the scales of 32nm and 22nm.

The overall market for wafers and nanofabrication equipment is expected to grow at nearly 10% a year for the next five years and grow from an estimated $65.8 billion in 2009 to $105.6 billion in 2014.

Companies involved in nanofabrication materials, apparatus, metrology and testing for the IT and electronics industry had sales in excess of $80.013 billion in 2007 and more than $73.558 billion in 2008, reflecting the worldwide economic downturn.

Research and development (R&D) spending for improved nanofabrication techniques and equipment exceeds $7 billion a year at the corporate level. Research and development of manufacturing equipment for 45nm technology for semiconductors, which began in 2003, is now the manufacturing standard, and the new standard under development is 32nm architecture, beginning to be implemented in 2009. Each reduction in size results in more powerful microprocessors, memory chips and silicon-based solar power collectors, in which creates new demands.

Lithography, including masks and resist, and associated metrology currently comprises 30% to 40% of the entire cost of semiconductor manufacturing. This fraction depends strongly on the product mix, volume of integrated circuits in demand per design, and age of equipment in the factory.

The iRAP study identified over 200 companies and institutions involved in as manufacturers and developers as well as researchers. These companies are driving the technology to the next generation of nanofabrication in the semiconductor industry. 

To order this report:
    Nicolas Bombourg
    US: (805)652-2626
    Intl: +1 805-652-2626
   SOURCE Reportlinker

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