
Reportlinker Adds Nano-enabled Batteries-2008 Global Market Estimated at $169 Million announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: Nano-enabled Batteries (

Nanotechnology innovations are driving advances in battery technology where nanomaterials are finding use as new battery materials. Enormous leverage can result from advances in cathodes, anodes and electrolytes used in the batteries. The current focus of nano-enabled batteries is on lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion cells represent the basic building blocks of batteries proposed for the next generation of advanced hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), electrical vehicles and specialty vehicles.

The calendar life of high-power lithium-ion battery cells is expected to have the same basic dependence on temperature as high-energy cell designs, because several of the high-power cell technologies use the same basic chemistry as larger cells and thus are subject to the same kind of degradation processes.

The next generation of lithium-ion batteries has improved safety characteristics, in part through the use of alternative nano-sized materials, in particular, nano-phosphate materials. Traditional lithium-ion technology uses active materials with particles that range in size between 5 and 20 microns.

The greater density of particles provides more surface area on which the ions can travel and generate additional power. In essence, battery power is derived from the diffusion of lithium ions moving in and out of particles. When particles are smaller but more numerous, that equates to greater diffusion and much faster kinetics than would be generated with one large particle.

The use of phosphates, in lieu of oxides, for the nanomaterials is one reason for these increased power rates and temperature ranges. Both phosphates and oxides are naturally occurring substances that are used in battery cathodes. Traditionally, oxides such as iron and cobalt have been used for battery cathodes. But, in the 1990s, scientists began to experiment with nano-phosphates, which industry experts say are inherently safer than oxides because they are stable in overcharge or short-circuit conditions and withstand high temperatures without decomposing.

The iRAP study identified over a dozen manufacturers and developers of nano-enabled batteries. These companies are driving the technology to meet market needs. There are also over 20 suppliers of nanomaterials used in nano-enabled batteries.

Major findings of this report are:
-- The global nano-enabled battery industry is characterized by over a dozen companies involved in the industry as manufacturers and developers.
-- The 2008 global market was estimated at $169 million and expected to grow, at an impressive annual average growth rate of 46.3%, to reach $1.13 billion by 2013.
-- Among the three types of nano-enabled batteries, customized batteries for power tools had the highest market share of 59.2% in 2008, followed by large format modules with 37.8%, and a small 3% share for fast charging customized nano safe battery for laptops.
-- By 2013, large format modules for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), electric vehicles (Evs) and specialty vehicles will have 84.7% of the global market, with an AAGR of 71.8% from 2008 to 2013

To order this report:
    Nicolas Bombourg
    US: (805)-652-2626
    Intl: +1 805-652-2626

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