
Sweden Developing National Strategy for Nanotechnology

Nano Connect Scandinavia reports the new Swedish  nanotechnology strategy includes a national council on nanotechnology, making risk assessment an integrated part of the innovation process, and identifying thematic areas for funding of research.

The assignment to develop a Swedish national strategy for nanotechnology was given to Vinnova by the government. It has resulted in a report where Vinnova makes a number of suggestions:

    * Form a delegation on nanotechnology, with representatives from government, industry, academia and relevant authorities. The delegation should facilitate the sharing of knowledge between authorities, have an overview of developments within nanotechnology, and advice the government on nanorelated issues.

    * Support and coordinate work done by Swedish authorities on the international level, influencing international efforts to create regulatory frameworks on nanotechnology.

    * Create a policy that makes risk assessment an integrated part of the innovation process.

    * Identify areas for thematic efforts to increase the use of nanotechnology in society. Public actors should work actively to connect nanotechnology with overarching goals related to for example environment, energy and health care.

    * Link nanotechnology to ongoing efforts in Swedish areas of strength, such as cleantech and health care.

    * Create and support workforce mobility in order to increase knowledge transfer between academia and businesses. A focus on short term projects and assignments.

    * Maintain and upgrade the infrastructure needed to develop nanotechnology. This includes instruments, cleanrooms and processmethodology.

    * Involve the community in creating future scenarios of how nanotechnology might shape the future.

Follow this link to the full report (in Swedish).
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