I’m definitely guilty of having used my cell phone whiledriving whether it was to answer a call, send a quick text message, or check anincoming email while sitting in traffic. It’s actually kind of hard to avoidwith today’s smart phones. They buzz in your pocket every time someone makes a commenton Facebook, every time CNN posts a new story, and at random times throughoutthe day if you’ve made the mistake of teaching your mom how to text. However, Ido agree that as they get more and more sophisticated, they get more and moredangerous to use while driving. The NTSB revealed that at any given moment,about 13.5 MILLION drivers are on hand-held phones. This past year alone about3,000 people died in the U.S. due to such distractions, and the NTSB is callingfor a nationwide ban on using cell phones to any degree while driving. And yes,this includes hands-free devices.
We’ll have to wait and see what this recommendation bringsas the NTSB doesn’t actually have the authority to pass the law themselves.Many people think this would be just another way our government is over-abusingtheir right of control, while others think this is a reasonable measure. Shouldthere be a compromise considering how many people use their phones for directions and other features? What about Pandora! And is talking to someone through a hands-freedevice any different than talking to someone in your back seat? I guess we will all find out shortly. What do youthink?