The Viper is indeed actually coming back, but it will not bea Dodge. It will be an SRT Product. This is the second brand since the Fiattakeover that has been splintered off from the Dodge name. The first was Ram Trucks. It is an interesting move to separate Dodge,Ram Trucks, and now SRT from each other. I’m not quite sure what they are trying to accomplish. It could be a dumb and we could look back ina few years and ask ourselves, “what were they thinking?” or we could look backand think, “what a smart move?” Either way, I am just happy the car thatepitomized American muscle in the last decade will be back on the prowl, orshould I say, “slithering back on the streets.” Come on, you knew there was no way I would get through this whole thingwithout a bad snake joke.
Another great benefit of this announcement is that it willbe sending people back to work; 150 people to be exact. The SRT Viper will be made in the ConnerPlant in Detroit, Michigan. According toDodge’s press release, the jobs were first offered to current Chrysler hourlyemployees who previously worked at the plant. The first Viper is expected to roll out the doors in late 2012 as 2013 models.