If you’ve ever owned a boat you know there is almost nothingmore relaxing than being out on the open water. However, if you don’t have adock or want to pay an arm and a leg to store it at a boat yard, you’re lefttrailering it back and forth from the water every time you want to use it. That’swhere the day-dream of amphibious vehicles comes in: cars you can drive intothe water like a boat without worrying about destroying your engine,transmission,
fuel pump or
navigation units. Well, there seems to be an answer fromthe company WaterCar and it goes by the name “Python”.

This five passenger land/water-craft is almost 21’ in lengthand looks like one heck of a good time. They claim it hits speeds of 60mph inthe water and is made of non-corrosive materials such as fiberglass to avoid wear.The vehicle will need to be registered as a boat and a car, but you only need alicense to operate it on land. What’s the catch? Well, the first catch is thatit runs at roughly $200,000. Ouch. The second? It doesn’t come with an engineor transaxle, which is quite the “disclaimer”. They estimate this install wouldcost about $40,000, but if you have enough money to spend $200,000 on anengine-less car-boat then it shouldn’t be the biggest drawback.
This year I keep seeing more and more crossovers on the road,but these vehicles bring a whole new meaning to “crossover”. While this isn’tthe only concept of its kind, the fact that WaterCar makes the experience look likea Jimmy Buffet tailgate on the water has gotten them a bit of attention. I want.