The best thing that cars have done for the environment sincethe invention of the catalytic converter or cat converter has been the electriccar. And, the most exciting electric car company has been Tesla, whom recentlyrolled out its new SUV crossover, the Model X. Similar to the other Teslavehicles the main distinct feature is that it is electric. It comes with either 60 or 85 kilo-watt-hourbattery. The 60 kWh has a range of200-210 miles, while the larger 85 gets 260-270 miles. Although, the electricaspect of the Model X makes it comparable the other Teslas, there are a fewfeatures that make it unique.
The first is its size. The Model X can fit up to seven fullsized adults, unlike the Roadster which could fit only a rich man and his tinytrophy wife. However, the big stand outfeature which Tesla is pushing is the rear Falcon Doors. The doors lift and fold upward, making itmuch easier for a person to enter and exit the vehicle. With the doors up, a person can be standing upin the backseat. Tesla has not made asafety statement yet, but I highly recommend not driving around with the reardoors up and a passenger standing.Unfortunately, another aspect that differentiates the ModelX from other Teslas is its styling. TheRoadster has looks that would turn your head so fast your neck would break. TheModel X’s styling on the other hand is almost as exciting as watching grassgrow. “Almost,” which I guess means it is as exciting as watching trees grow?There are no aggressive lines or anything that makes it stand out from the restof the crossovers.
There are not any official specs out yet but Tesla says theModel X will go 0-60 in 4.4 seconds. Pricing has also not been released but theassumption is it will be in the range of the Model S, $67,000 to $77,000. Customers seem to be OK with that price,because Tesla just announced it has already got $40 million worth in presalesfor the car. The deposit to reserve one is $5,000 for the base, and $20,000 fora Signature Edition. Deposits are fullyrefundable if a customer wants to back out, and first deliveries are set forlate 2013.