I remember over 25 years ago just now entering the Automotive trade schools. I was excited from what I heard back then about the great money you can make! I would say about half of it was true. That kind of money people were talking about was if you had a few notches under your belt.
What I mean is, after graduation if you had accomplished at least 5 years experience, at least $15,000 in tools, and a few ASE certifications to start, then you were in a position to negotiate your starting wages. I was never told this while attending the technical schools I graduated from. Maybe this was their way of bringing in new students and making false promises. Now don’t get me wrong here. I enjoyed working my way up the ladder. I got to meet very interesting people along the way! I worked in the Greater Kansas City Area, Topeka Kansas, and various other places in the midwest.
I have a nephew who is falling in my foot steps. He is ready to become that great Automotive technician! I enjoy visiting with him when I get the chance. I’m always telling him about how to get ahead in this field. I also tell him that out there are good mechanics and there are bad ones. The bad ones are always trying to up sell services that are not needed! Their main concern is to look good in front of the bosses and their Managers. Later on I will go into detail how to identify the bad ones from the good ones in my future blogs.
So if you know someone wanting to go into this field, tell them to follow my Blog. I remember working for this one guy who was always dodging the cops! He had a foreigner who was working for him in the back shop area who was painting the old customer parts and reselling them back to them.
He was making at least a couple thousands dollars per week doing this bad thing. When I found out what was going on back there with all the painting I put my notice in to leave. I had a good honest reputation to protect. A few months later I found out that shop was forced to close by the attorney general of that state.
Now I try to do the same thing here on My Blog. I try to keep things and products here honest! So if you have a chance, check out these great products and get your shopping done for Christmas! Thanks.