
Life Sciences #1 in University R&D Budgets with $29.6 Billion Slice of $49 Billion Pie-Top University R&D Fields Ranked by Dollar Amount

In 2007, universities spent, on research and development projects, $30 billion in federal funds, $3.1 billion in state funds, $9.6 billion from university coffers, $2.6 billion from industry, and $3.5 billion from other sources. The total amount of university  research and development spending topped $49.4 billion That's according to the latest figures from the 2010 Statistical Abstract of the United States.

Life Sciences is by far and away the most heavily researched field by U.S. university scientists.  More than $29 billion was spent in 2007 in life sciences research.  Engineering research was a distant second with $7.5 billion in funding. Physical sciences took third with $3.8 billion in research dollars and environmental sciences grabbed the fourth spot with $2.7 billion in funding. Social sciences rounds out the top five with $1.7 billion in fudning.  Computer sciences ranked a close sixth with $1.4 billion. Other sciences summed $949 million to take the 7th spot,  while psychology with $863 million claimed the 8th spot, regulating math sciences at $572 million to 9th place. 

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