While some universities will make millions of dollars and even tens of millions of dollars from their football and basketball programs, the research and development game is paying off big for the top forty universities which are sharing in $25 billion dollars in federal research grants and contracts. The 2010 Statistical Abstract of the United States ranks the top forty universities receiving federal research and development dollars.
In the top ten, John Hopkins University ranks number one among universities receiving federal funds for research and development. Uncle Sam gave John Hopkins $1.1 billion in research grants in 2007. The University of Washington was a distant second at $612 million. The University of Michigan held down the third spot with $501 million while the University of Pennsylvania claimed the four spot with $498 million. UCLA rounded out the top five with $480 million in federal contract.
Duke anchored the sixth spot with $470 million followed by the University of California San Diego and the University of California San Francisco each with about with $470 million. Harvard holds the ninth rank with in about $449 million. The University of Pittsburgh took the final spot in the top ten with $426 million in contracts. All of these school are making significant contributions to nanotechnology research and development. Many nanotechnology companies have spun out of university research or licensed university nanotechnology. A complete ranking for the top forty research and development universities appears below.
Information is the latest comprehensive count. (click to enlarge).
» top ten univeristies in research and development
» Uncle Sam Ranks Top 40 Universities in $25 Billion Federal R&D Game-John Hopkins #1 with $1.1 Billion Score, Washington #2, Michigan #3, Penn #4, UCLA #5...
Uncle Sam Ranks Top 40 Universities in $25 Billion Federal R&D Game-John Hopkins #1 with $1.1 Billion Score, Washington #2, Michigan #3, Penn #4, UCLA #5...
1/5/10 |
nanotechnology Resarch and devleopment,
top ten univeristies in research and development
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