How Do I Know if I’m Covered Under Warranty?
Race of the Roses

Testing in a Winter Wonderland

"C" You Later Low Gas Mileage

What is an Oil Pump?
The oil pump inside of an internal combustion engine is usedto lubricate the engine and reduce friction. The pump powers oil through bearings, sliding pistons, camshafts, and othersmall parts. The decrease in friction also means the cooling of pistons,bearings, and shafts. Failure to properly lubricate an engine will result inengine failure. Now you see howimportant that cleverly named oil pump is.

The oil pump needs to be generating approximately 10 psi perevery 1000 revolutions per minute in order to properly lubricate the system. If your oil pump is working well but you arestill having a low pressure issue, it may be caused by a clogged oil pickupscreen, too much wear on a high mileage engine, or you just need to add moreoil to your car. Each car has differentoil requirements. Higher performancevehicles put more stress on the system and they need more lubricating.
There are basically three types of pumps, a twin gear pump,a Gerotor Pump, and an internal pump. Atwin gear pump has one gear connected to a shaft that is driven by the camshaftor distributor. A twin gear pump turnsat half the speed of the engine and is located inside the oil pan. A Gerotor Pump has one small gear rotatinginside a larger one. While an internalpump is a Gerotor style pump, an internal pump turns at the same speed of theengine so it creates a stronger flow. An internal pump design is used onoverhead cam engines.
Happy Holidays to Me

Your Airbags Know You're There

I Wanta, The F&M Evantra

Look out Ferrari,Lamborghini and Vespa, there is a new Italian indulgence entering the arena.Faralli & Mozzanti, better known as F&M, have unleashed theEvantra. The Northern Italian Company hasoutdone themselves with this handmade creation. The car boasts a 3.5-litre flat-six engine that comes in either a 329hp naturallyaspirated version, or a high performance twin-turbocharged 587hp version. The high performance version can go from zeroto 62mph in 3.7 seconds. By the way, italso looks remarkable.

This project wasfirst known as “Mugello,” but later changed to Evantra. Evatnra is the name of an Italian goddess ofimmortality. With the dangerous speeds that you can reach in the Evantra youbetter hope that you are indeed immortal.
F&M will onlymanufacture five of these bad boys a year and the first one will roll out inabout six months. They have not mentioned anything about pricing yet, althoughI’m sure that it won’t be cheap. You mayjust have to hang on to that rental Fiat with the navigation system.
The Funniest Car Fails of 2011

The Aston Martin Cygnet, It May Have the Badge but Should it
Jeep Scrambling to Bring Back the Pick-Up?

One Shell of a Mustang

What's Your Number?

Car Company to Close… I’m so Saab :(

Corvette Z06 tops Motor Trend list of shortest-stopping vehicles
By Jeremy Korzeniewski
Any modern performance car worth buying puts just as much emphasis on stopping as it does on going. After all, what's the point in being able to hit ludicrous speed if you can't manage to get it back down without heading fascia-first into an unmovable object?
So, what's a good stopping distance? According to the crew at Motor Trend, 100 feet from 60 miles per hour is a pretty good starting point. And the best of the best do the deed in significantly less. How's about 93 feet, recorded by both the 2011 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Carbon Edition and the 2008 Ferrari 430 Scuderia.
There's a smattering more Corvettes and Ferraris in the under-100-feet club, plus a couple Audis, Porsches and Vipers, along with a lone Lamborghini and the 2011 Nissan GT-R. If you're willing to allow non-DOT-approved tires, a prototype Lexus LFA managed to halt from 60 in 94 feet.
Speaking of tires, it seems that the best stopping treads are the Michelin Pilot Sport Cups, which are joined on the list by the Pirelli Pzero Corsas and a couple sets of Bridegstone Potenzas.
We've got to hand it to the Corvette Z06 for topping the list, especially since it's one of the least expensive vehicles in the under-100 club.
Does this Concept Indicate Wheels of the Future?

What's the Difference Between a CV Axle and a Drive Axle?

The first thing to go bad on a drive axle is usually theboot. If you think you might be havingissues with yours, there is a simple test. Go to an empty parking lot, such as a vacant Saturn Dealership, andstart driving in really tight circles. If you can hear a clicking noise than you have some problems. Crawl under your vehicle and look for anycracks in the boot. Cracks are easier tospot when you have the wheels turned all the way to the left or the right. If the boots have already split it will beobvious because it would have flung grease all over the place. Once the grease is out, dirt androad grime creep inside and you got yourself a bad CV Joint. The outer jointsusually fail first because they turn at the sharpest angle. The sharper the angle the more strain.
THE END… I’m not kidding this time.
The Deadly Smartphone

We’ll have to wait and see what this recommendation bringsas the NTSB doesn’t actually have the authority to pass the law themselves.Many people think this would be just another way our government is over-abusingtheir right of control, while others think this is a reasonable measure. Shouldthere be a compromise considering how many people use their phones for directions and other features? What about Pandora! And is talking to someone through a hands-freedevice any different than talking to someone in your back seat? I guess we will all find out shortly. What do youthink?
The Dodge Viper is Coming Back....Sorta

What Does a 5 Star Crash Test Rating Really Mean

Bills Auto Repair in Hiawatha Kansas 66434/Follow up Review/Hub Bearing/Milton
After refusing to pay Bills Auto Repair in Hiawatha Kansas another $100 to replace a bearing again, I replaced it just to see how bad this bearing was installed by Milton the auto mechanic. I found the 36 mm axle nut was loose which could cause premature wear on this bearing. The next thing I discovered was the O-Ring was crushed, torn, and installed incorrectly by Milton. This could also cause a good bearing to go bad real fast. The spot where this O-Ring was suppose to go was not cleaned and was covered with rust and dirt. One of the three bearing hold down bolts was loose which could cause improper alignment of the new bearing. With all of these mistakes made by Milton the auto mechanic at Bills Auto Repair located in Hiawatha Kansas 66434 I don’t see how I was going to pay him another $100 to screw up another new bearing. The inside of my New tire was wore out which now needs to be replaced. All I wanted was him to recheck his work and warranty his labor.
After finding all of these installation problems and Bills Auto Repair not wanting to honor their ‘Labor Warranty‘, my final review is to stay away from these guys as far as possible. Just because you try to save money by bringing in your own parts for them to install do not believe them when they say the part was installed correctly and you have to pay again to have it fixed. My advice would be to have a reputable auto repair facility document the installation problems and try to get your money back from Bills Auto Repair located in Hiawatha Kansas. Rather than relying on Bill’s to admit they installed your part incorrectly.
keywords: bills auto repair, hiawatha kansas, 66434, milton, hub bearing, incorrectly installed parts,
Same Car, New Features? BMW Rolls Out Upgrades

On Tuesday, BMW owners with 2009 and later models turned on their cars to a new, updated BMW Online system. Some of the new features they can now enjoy include viewing recent news, weather, local fuel prices, Google search access, and a better overall display. Seems like a pretty cool deal to me, although I’m not sure how safe Google-ing is from behind the wheel. This all happened automatically and even better, for free. Now that I think of it, I don’t even need to plug my phone in to update it, add music to it, or transfer my pictures to my laptop. At the rate technology is progressing, it’s encouraging to know that it’s not so hard to keep the products we buy up to date. I can hardly turn on my computer without having to update some piece of software.
It’s great that BMW has rolled out this new upgrade, and I hope other companies with the same capabilities follow suit. Oh, and I’m definitely not getting into any long lines on the next apple release date. They released the software upgrade for free just a week after their latest iPhone was released, and who needs Siri anyways?
With all the New Sports Cars Coming for 2012 Which is Best?
Back Up into Your Back Up Battery
One of the worst things is when your phone runs out of power while you’re in the middle of something really important, like posting a witty remark on your friends Facebook profile. Just imagine how much worse it would be if your car did the same thing during an even more vital activity, such as listening to your favorite song on your cd radio. At least with phones you have the option to buy those bulky power packs that extend your battery’s life. Only if cars had something similar… oh wait, it looks like it they may be on the way! Feel free to now play that song as loud as you can on your cd radio.
Those crazy engineers at Swiss Think Tank Rindspeed have conjured up The Dock+Go. This device would hook up to the back, and look like an extension of your vehicle. The biggest difference would be the third axle and extr

Currently they have modeled the Dock+Go to fit on the back of a Smart Car. Most people would say, “if someone wanted a bigger gas tank and more storage, then why not just buy a normal size car instead of a Smart Car and The Dock+Go?” Most people would say this because they are right.
As of now the Dock+Go is just an idea. Rindspeed does not actually produce any of the incredible things they think up… so lazy.
Do Your Eyes and Headlights Make a Good Team?

I’m not sure if it’s just me getting older or my car, but it’s getting harder and harder to see the road while driving at night. It’s one thing to make sure luxury items like your Car Radio or Car Navigation System are working, but it’s even more important to maintain parts that affect your safety. Headlights begin to dim over time, and as the days get shorter in these winter months their brightness becomes even more important.
There are many different types of headlights such as incandescent, halogen, and xenon. Incandescent bulbs are the more traditional bulbs and tend to dim faster as the filament inside evaporates over time. Xenon bulbs use newer technology, specifically the HID (High Intensity Discharge) xenon bulbs which use two electrodes in a xenon gas-sealed bulb rather than a traditional filament. We are seeing these bulbs more and more in newer cars because the light they create is not only three times brighter than a halogen bulb, but lasts ten times longer. While three times brighter seems great for the driver, I can think of a time or two I’ve been blinded by an oncoming Audi or BMW, thinking their brights were on. Some headlights out today, such as bi-xenon, are so bright that they require self-leveling so they don’t blind other drivers on the road.
No matter which type of headlight your car uses, if you’re squinting to see the road at night you either need new bulbs or a pair of glasses. If you do notice your yellow-glowing halogen lights are much dimmer than they once were, be sure to change them both at the same time! It’s also fairly easy to upgrade them to xenon for that new, fresher look. Dimming headlights is a common problem but an easy fix, so don’t sacrifice your safety or the safety of other drivers on the road.
What Makes a Car or Truck Sound Raspy