There are millions of shade tree mechanics out there working on their own cars and their friends cars on the weekends. It’s a nice thought buy that new power steering box or power steering rack get a six pack of beer and do it all yourself. No mechanic charging you ridiculous labor rates and padding the bill with parts of services you don’t need. No waiting around hoping your car will be done while not being sure it is done right but sometimes doing it yourself can cause some huge headaches.

So how does one keep the repairs from going wrong? First take the time to study a job before you start it and know how to do all procedures before you start them. If the car being worked on is your only car be sure you have a friend available to take you to get any tools you may end up needing. Next know your level of install ability, you have done your own oil change and feel like now you can conquer anything. While this simple procedure has gone off without a hitch it may not be your time to jump into a turbo install. It may sound like an expensive alternative but if you are not sure how to do a job, taking the car to a mechanic is your best option. We can all save money by doing it ourselves but towing a car that is all in pieces will cost more than the install would have in the first place.