Every day there are more and more people on the road driving, each person with increasing distractions in their car. Every one of us out on the roads is testing the parts of our cars every day from the power steering rack to the navigation unit. There are many rules on the road that are just common sense that seem to have fallen by the waste side. Simple and easy driving rules that 15 year olds learn and follow in driver’s education.
Driving is not as safe of an activity as some of us feel, a car is a 3000 pound hunk of metal and glass, at 70 mph it can do some serious damage. With a cell phone in one hand, electric razor in the other and a coffee in between our legs is really not the best idea. Not only is distracted driving not a good idea it is illegal too. Would it really be so tuff to wake up 5 minutes earlier to get a shave or to buy a hands-free head set to talk while you drive. Nowadays most cars can hook a cell phone into the stereo so you can chat away like the person is in the car with you. The bottom line is while your car may be safer than a tank it’s the car that you hit which will suffer. Consider what will happen to the drive of a car that you don’t see before you jump on the phone.