
The Future of Performance Cars

When it comes to high-performance machinery, there has been no better time in the history of the automobile. From 1200-horsepower, multi-million-dollar Veyrons to $23,000, 300-horsepower/30-mpg muscle cars, we really do have it all.

But for how long? Are we at the peak of automotive performance, or just the beginning? We know the future of the automobile will keep getting greener, but where does that leave those who love rev-matched downshifts and the synchronized scream of pistons, cams, valves, and crank at wide-open throttle? We surveyed the industry and asked several key experts to look 10 years into the future of high-performance cars. You'll be surprised at what they told us...


"I will not be alive any more. And I hope I'm still living some time, but I'm convinced it will still be in existence. It will stay one of the best solutions, and not only for motorsport.'' -Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich, Head of Audi Motorsport
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