
Honda Accord

Approximate cost in USD: $22,000

Just about everybody knows the compact Accord. It is a prime example of what Honda does globally—take a nameplate and use it everywhere. They’ve developed the car with a certain set of very basic assumptions—size, weight, engines, Visnic explains. “But they adapted them ever so slightly to the regional tastes of where they are selling them, and build them close to where they are selling them.” Clearly their method is succeeding.

“Honda’s formula has always been more coming up with one very general set of assumptions about what an Accord is and enabling your process to make it ever so slightly different for different markets,” Visnic observes. “They’re extremely good at it. That’s one of the reasons these cars are so popular around the world. They’re equally good no matter where they are. None of them is ever a compromised version of the good Accord that’s somewhere else.
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