
Most Ticketed Cars

Does what we drive affect how we drive? That’s the question posed by Quality Planning , an analytics company that works with auto insurers. Quality Planning ranked the vehicles most likely to be ticketed, based on the number of moving violations issued for each 100,000 miles driven. The resulting top ten of the list contains a few predictable entries, but it’s not entirely comprised of flashy red sports cars.

But before we begin the list of the worst behaved vehicles, a rundown of the good guys. The top five “cautious vehicles,” that is, the ones with the lowest percentage of violations, are:
Eight of the top ten cautious vehicles were SUVs or minivans, indicating drivers with passengers (probably of the younger, biological offspring sort) drive more carefully. Click ahead to see the countdown of the worst offenders—or as they are termed in the study, “spirited vehicles,” with commentary from Marty Padgett of and and additional information and insight provided by Quality Planning.
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