When a person gets behind the wheel it means that they have agreed to take responsibility of the 3000 lbs piece of metal and its actions. This is a fact that many people don’t realize, a car is basically the largest most dangerous device you will ever own. None of us would consider grabbing a gun and going out for some target practice while under the influence…or would they. There is no difference in drunk driving or waving a loaded gun at people, no matter what someone life is in the balance.
In 2006 17,941 people were killed in alcohol related accidents and over a million arrests are made each year for DUI. Many people will dismiss a few drinks as ok to drive but studies show that even after just one drink your reaction time is affected. In other words driving should be avoided if you have had any drinks and in times like these using a cab will spur the economy and a $30 cab ride is always cheaper than the average $15,000 a DUI costs the driver. In other words a person could take a cab home 500 times before they reach the cost of a DUI not to mention it may just save a life or 5. If more inspiration to avoid drunk driving is needed, just Google drunk driving accident and click images...it will take your breath away and make you think twice.